A Word With King Lemuel's Mother
Monday, September 03, 2012 Posted by Unknown
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My heavenly Google calendar will definitely be full. There are so many people I can't wait to sit and chat with. I have countless questions, thank-yous and kudos to share, and while most of those folks are prophets, apostles and judges, there's one obscure mom that I cannot wait to meet.
She shows up in the book of Proverbs as King Lemuel's mother. According to the in-line notes, there's some uncertainty about the identity of King Lemuel and, by default, his mother. Although their identity is unknown, there wisdom was Bible-worthy, and I specifically want to ask her about verses 10-31 in chapter 31.
If you're a Christian woman, you probably know the passage by heart. It's the 22 verses that make the heads of new wives spin. Who is this "virtuous wife" who seems to have everything absolutely under control? I just must sit down with the King's mom and find out the truth about this often controversial piece of wisdom.
I once attended a women's conference where one speaker said, "Stop stressing about Proverbs 31. That woman doesn't exist," and a subsequent speaker said, "You are that virtuous woman and you can do all those things." They clearly hadn't shared their notes before things started, and while it was good for a laugh, it was a definite indication of the trouble the King's mom's words have caused. I have worked hard trying to emulate this mystery woman, and I want to know once and for all if she existed and how she got it all done!
I'm certain it will make for an interesting conversation and I can only imagine what she'll say. It's just one of life's little mysteries that I'd love to hear explained from the source.