Raw Discipline
Thursday, May 10, 2012 Posted by Sara
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The time has come where I tell you that this whole week has
been a ploy.
This week’s theme of “discipline” was hand picked by yours
truly. Admittedly, the choice was completely selfish. It was my plea to God, I suppose, for some
hardy wisdom and advice, “Jesus – I’m really struggling with discipline in my
relationship with you, please use my DFF sisters to speak into my life!” I am
so thankful for the community God is creating amongst our little writing team,
and the wisdom they have been sharing this week.
But Thursday has come again, and now it’s my turn to dish
out something nourishing – only my plate feels rather empty this week because
spiritual discipline is not an area I feel I’m succeeding in at the
The shame of being undisciplined often keeps us from
extending our hand to the One who can pull us out of any rut. I know for me, I
have often tried to fix my lack of discipline by coming up with a highly
disciplined regiment of spiritual To Dos: new bible study, prayer plans,
perhaps a fast if I really want to nip this rut in the butt.
But discipline for discipline’s sake has never been very
motivating to me. Right now, in the
midst of a season where maintaining prayer and time in the Word doesn’t come as
easily as I’ve found in seasons past, His love remains- His love compels- His
love motivates me to stay connected to Him.
And it’s in love that He responded to me this week when I
asked Him, “Jesus, what do You want me to do? I don’t even have energy to come
up with a plan for how to be more disciplined!”
“Then, how about you just go for a walk with Me?” He asked.
It just seemed too simple.
But sometimes the best plans are.
He knew exactly what I needed – a little quiet, a way to wind down from
the hectic day, a time to just be, to rest, and to connect with Him. He’s fond of walking with His people (Gen.
3:8) so why should I be surprised?
So I’m taking Him at His word today, folks. I’ve loaded my sneakers and iPod into my car
and after work I’m going to meet up with Him at a local trail. I may listen to an audio Bible for a while
and then just listen, just be, just connect.
If you find yourself in the same season right now, I just pray grace over you to hear His voice - He has a perfect way for you to meet with Him no matter what you have on your plate.
“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out
the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for
you are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you.
Remember, O Lord, your compassion and
unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past.
Do not remember the rebellious sins of my
youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O
Lord. “ – Psalm 25:5-7

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