Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Rest
Sunday, October 30, 2011 Posted by Sara
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For years I have been on the hunt. Hebrews 4 alludes to its existence, so I trust it’s real. And yet, I often wonder why it hides away – or where it hides away. Striving I find easily. Rest, however, moves about my life with stealth and agility.
According to "etymological theory", I should know a thing or two about rest. My last name means "rest”, after all. Well, technically it means “beside a place of rest, or beside an elm tree.” But in pre-colonial German, I can only assume this is what they meant – that place where little German travelers used to kick back while they adjusted their lederhosen and took solace in some shade. And yet, even my heritage has not gifted me with expertise in this area. On the unfortunate contrary, I am an award-winning striver. I wonder if you can identify.
This week we will be taking a spin through God’s word in pursuit of one of His most sought after and mysterious gifts: rest.
Matt 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

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