Limitations - Part Four
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Posted by Angie
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“Is God Limited?”
I know, some of you are probably thinking that I’m border-line blasphemous at the mere mention of God having any limits. If that crossed your mind, relax. God knows my heart and it is completely and totally convinced of how powerful He is. There is no one like my God! He’s all knowing, all powerful, and ever present, and the Bible says that nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).Yet, God Himself set certain limits by creating laws that He would not over ride. For instance, He gave man free will. He knew ahead of time that Judas would betray him, yet that was a decision He allowed Judas to make.
Jesus marveled at two things, the faith of the Centurion (Matt. 8:10), and the unbelief of the people in His hometown (Mark 6:6). The Centurion didn’t limit Jesus to only being able to heal by the laying on of hands, but instead said “you don’t have to come with me, just say the word and my servant will be healed”. Jesus was amazed at his faith. On the contrary, in His hometown, the people limited their response to Jesus based on their head knowledge. They were trying to figure Him out because they couldn’t get passed their familiarity with His humanity.
Mark 6:5-6 says “He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.” Can you imagine what kinds of miracles Jesus might have wanted to perform in His hometown? Think about what their limited understanding that produced unbelief cost them?
The lesson here is obvious – if we choose to limit God through unbelief, He will not exercise His power, even though He’s all powerful. Instead, let’s follow the example of the Centurion and show our faith in Him is limitless!