Always Connected: Subscribe to My Feed
Sunday, June 19, 2011 Posted by Unknown
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You’ll see the word “subscribe” plastered all over our blog because we want you to stay connected. We’re hoping you’ll add our site to the list of blogs you read regularly, and if you do that by accessing feeds in a reader, we want to be on your list.
(Unfamiliar with the terms “feed” and “reader”? Simply put, a feed delivers our updates directly to you and a reader is the tool that allows you to read them.)
We’re really into feeding you around here, so we’re thrilled when someone subscribes to our feed. It’s just one more way we give you access to your daily fuel, but it’s His feed we’re really here to shamelessly plug. Our updates should serve to whet your appetite and prepare you for the feast He’s prepared for you each day, and if this is all you’re eating, you won’t survive for very long.
Those who feed on the Bread of Life will live because of Him (John 6:57). That’s a promise no other feed can offer and a result no other feed should be expected to give. He, himself, is the feed. You are the reader. Looking for the “subscribe here” button? You’ll find it when you open your Bible.
Those who feed on the Bread of Life will live because of Him (John 6:57). That’s a promise no other feed can offer and a result no other feed should be expected to give. He, himself, is the feed. You are the reader. Looking for the “subscribe here” button? You’ll find it when you open your Bible.
“He will feed his flock like a shepherd…” Isaiah 40:11