Always Connected: Follow Me
Thursday, June 23, 2011 Posted by Unknown
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I have quite a few Twitter followers. Only a handful of them actually know me personally, yet they each decided to click that little green button and commit to following little ‘ole me. I am not sure exactly why. I suppose there could be a number of explanations. Am I interesting? Do they like my blog? Do they want to sell me something or do they just have a lot of time on their hands? I suspect that many of them choose to follow because they see some advantage for themselves—you know that old acronym, WIFM. Regardless of their reasons, it’s one more indication that our sense of connection has taken a turn in the wrong direction.
Consider how we looked at the word “follow” before the existence of Twitter. It essentially meant you go in front of me and I’ll walk behind because you’re going somewhere (or you’ve been somewhere) that I’d like to be. Now it means I’ll add myself to the group of people who track your activity, occasionally laugh at your jokes and pass your witty quotes on to others. A phrase that once carried real weight is now a fad of pop culture. It’s just one more phrase we, unfortunately, take way too lightly.
So, here I am with another word of caution. The concept of following is major for believers. Following Jesus requires our sacrifice, our self-denial and shouldering a cross (Matthew 16:24). There’s nothing light and fluffy about this real-life commitment that is the only way to real life. Don’t let the nature of twitter (or any other social media) creep in and influence how you follow the Lord. He deserves and, dare I say, requires so much more. I, on the other hand, can be followed @anitra or @anitrasays. Connect with me on Twitter and lets talk a little more about connecting!
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27
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