Finding Joy...Or Not...

Thursday, July 10, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Confession: I don’t know how to find joy.

I do, however, know how to NOT find joy.

There is no joy in fudge-striped cookies (darn it).

And none in coffee (double darn it). 

There is no joy in Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

Distraction makes it really hard to find. So does Discouragement. Belieeeeeve me.

This really great article lists five things that steal joy. But can you lose something you don't know if you've found it in the first place?

(By the way, there is also no joy in asking stupid questions.)

The blinking cursor, taunting me with “you have nothing to say, especially about joy,” is not so much joy.

Disobeying God, or even delaying obedience to God, doesn't help.

Focusing on what you don’t have TOTALLY does NOT help you find joy.

It’s also pretty much a given that lying, cheating, stealing and stuff like that do not bring joy either.

So, I give up. I can’t seem to find joy.

Hmmm… What if...I asked God for Joy?

If I asked for it, would I recognize it? Would I know how to receive it, even hang on to it for a while?

Lord, help. 

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