Hearing God's Heartbeat

Saturday, March 01, 2014 Posted by Anonymous

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Remember as a small child leaning your head against a parent’s chest and settling in to the beat of their heart? Nothing soothes the spirit like the rhythmic sound: thump, thump, thump.
            Needing to hear from God this week, I thought of John 13:23—25. The apostles were dealing with a hard situation and wanted an answer. John, referred to as the Beloved, “Leaned back against Jesus, and asked him.”
            So I asked God today when I had to put little Tootsie, my son’s dog, down, why a deep, uncontrollable cry crept out of me. I wasn't that attached to her. She lived with my grandson, and her health was failing. I’ve never reacted that way when faced with the same decision concerning my own pets. Why her, Lord, I (as one of God’s beloved) asked.
            He told me it was because she was the connecting thing left here between my oldest son, my grandson, and me. My son now lives 10 hours away. Although his son lives in town, and I still see him often, it was the three of them who came weekly for dinner or a visit: Shawn, Therynn, and Tootsie. Thus, today, I needed to recline against God in order to hear his heartbeat.
            This week we will be sharing those times we’ve leaned against the chest of our Papa in order to hear the commanding, changing, or comforting sound of God’s heartbeat.

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