From Slave to Snuggles

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Posted by Anonymous

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Even though she felt a huge weight lifted from her heart, certain parts of her life remained difficult. She’d married a bulldozer personality type that erupted more oft than not. After receiving her B. A., her first-born started having medical problems, and her master-teacher didn’t appreciate the time-off she had to take for his needs. Seven years after asking God to change her life around, her third child, and only daughter, was diagnosed at eight months with a rare syndrome: not just one but three diseases, cancer being the major. CaSondra died before her second birthday.
            What kept this mother of three, now two, (but now joyfully three again) both alive and growing? That Sunday when she had the assurance of where not only she’d spend eternity, but also her unborn baby, she dove into God’s word. It literally became “a lamp to her feet.” It fueled her, carried her, fed her, and healed her. God’s word, a “living and a two-edged sword” kept her spiritual tank full—and overflowing. God proved faithful: “In the day when I cried out, You answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Ps. 138:3)
            Now, 32 years later, and after a bump with death, divorce, and drugs affecting her life and family, she continues to snuggle up in the presence of “Abba, Father” with daily Bible reading. Yes, she struggles—depression knocks occasionally, frustration brings out the ugly, dead-to-sin old girl of decades past. The “I want” screams forth, “me first” shoves past, and the “filthy flesh” reeks of grumblings. Fortunately, God’s mercy continues to remind her, “You did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again . . . but you received the Spirit of son—(daughter)—ship.” (Romans 8:15b)

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