"And the Academy Award Goes To..."

Thursday, January 02, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Okay, yes, I admit it (and I have admitted it here before...).  My Really Big Dream right now is to win the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.  Really, just seeing Wise Men on the big screen will be thrilling beyond belief, but the Oscar would be the cherry on top.  I’m going for the cherry (and if I’m going to be COMPLETELY transparent, I would like it to win Best Picture also…).

Yes, I am well aware that probably 4 million other people share this dream.  Yes, I know that if my dream was for World Peace or something like that I would sound less shallow and self-centered, especially after my DFF sisters have such beautiful dreams that involve serving others…

Hmmm…Maybe I’m not completely self-centered.  Maybe I’m just serving in a different way.  Maybe as Lisa lovingly serves her mommas and babies, Sara innovatively serves her students and others, Lezlie serves in secret, and Katie serves in mindful legacy, I too will serve in my own way.  In a way God chose for me, long ago.

You see, this screenplay isn’t my idea.  And I’m certainly not smart or creative enough to come up with this on my own.  Maybe God intended for me to serve Him in this way, and in doing so, serve movie-goers another view of the God of the Nativity….hopefully along with a few laughs and gasps and tears.  Maybe God will be glorified as much through this film about the birth of a child as He is through serving a mother who is birthing a child.

Father God, in humility and truth, I ask You to place Your hand upon the dreams that we, your maidservants, have shared this week.  I ask You to bring them to fruition as only You can.  And I ask, above all, that You be glorified in and through us and these dreams You’ve bestowed.  I ask all of this in the name of Jesus.  

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