A Tower of Thanks

Thursday, November 28, 2013 Posted by Anonymous

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The topic of which building in the US is the largest, or has the highest tower, consumed the news during mid-November. It brought my thoughts to Genesis 11:4, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven.” God was not happy with His people, for their intention was to boast of their great work or magnify themselves. Psalms 69:30 tells us we are to “magnify God with thanksgiving.”
            I looked up the word magnify and behold, besides meaning: boast, increase, lift up and promote, it also means tower. Our creator should be the one receiving “the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name,” (Heb.13:15) not the works of our own hands.
            I propose we practice building a tower of thanksgiving this holiday season. Not just today, Thanksgiving day, but every day—every time we start to feel discouraged, frightened, left-out, or threatened in some way. Giving thanks is more than an attitude; it’s obedience, a reflection of the heart. There is much to give thanks for, even when things are hard—even when a grandbaby is sick, a spouse has cancer, a teenager an addiction. We “give thanks to the Lord for He is good,” (Ps. 107:1) and it’s His worthiness that gets us through.
            Beside the list of items needed to put together the festive Thanksgiving dinner, let’s purpose
 to make an even longer list of why we are thankful. It’s hard to stay mad, frustrated, or depressed when practicing the act of thanks. It may be “a sacrifice of thanksgiving” offered up to God, but it will kindle the heart and be accepted by the One we choose to “magnify with thanksgiving.”

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