Away From the Cold
Monday, September 16, 2013 Posted by Unknown
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I'm not a fan of the cold. For me, happiness lies somewhere between 68 and 78 degrees. Though I grew up braving the chill of the Windy City, I've vowed never to live there again. Nothing about cold weather living calls out to me. Neither physically nor spiritually.
In fact, the very thought of the cold (physical and spiritual) makes me uncomfortable. I don't like the feeling of not having enough...comfort, warmth, covering, security. I prefer being close to the heat, the fire, the Light, the place where shelter and refuge are guaranteed.
This is why time in the Lord's presence is essential for me. It's the warmest (and safest) place I've ever been. There, I find freedom from the bitter chill of descending temperatures. It's warm and toasty there by the fire and there's plenty of room there for you to join me.
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.'" Psalm 91:1-2