Be a Link

Thursday, October 25, 2012 Posted by Debbie Legg

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This week’s theme of Journey to the Nations is quite timely in my life.  Right now members of the Daily Audio Bible community (where I “read” the Bible) are on a mission trip in Rwanda.  Our church will soon fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.   Preparations are underway for the pledge drive to fund missions through our church’s Faith Promise Program.  Next week will be a meeting of  ACMInternational, the missionary-sending organization for which my husband is a trustee and I help with Member Care.  It’s missions season here!

Outside of the ACMI commitment, these mission opportunities only require a short amount of time and a little money, and yet those small things can make an enormous difference.

I’m neither a “missionary” nor a millionaire, but I can do something.   I can be a link in the chain.

I can pray and send money for the DAB Rwanda trip, linking Jesus to me to the mission’s team to the Rwandan children.  I can fill a shoebox or two with toys, trinkets and school supplies for a child who wouldn’t have Christmas or Jesus any other way, linking another child to Jesus.  I can Promise to give in Faith as God provides, linking Jesus to me to the children’s homes, colleges, foreign and domestic missions my congregation supports.  Our small actions bring God’s big impact.  
Beware of the little voice telling you that your two copper coins are not enough to make a difference.   I don’t know anyone who can stretch a single dollar to maximum effect better than a missionary.  In God’s economy, every little bit truly goes a long way. 

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14)


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