Debbie's Favorite Book

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Once upon a time, while my mom and I were talking on the phone, she said, “I’ve read a book that I think you’ll love.  The main character is this Episcopalian priest, Father Tim.  A children’s book author lives next door to him, and there is a whole town full of these wonderful characters.  It’s set in sort of a Mayberry type of place.  It’s just a light, gentle book that leaves you feeling good.”

I have to admit, Mom was right (you can even tell her I said so).  “At Home in Mitford” by Jan Karon is a New York Times Bestseller and contains no sex, violence or bad language.  Take a break from the bleak chaos of our world today and escape to a small town in North Carolina where orange marmalade cakes, exuberant dogs, unloved boys and charming characters cross each others’ lives in a beautifully woven tapestry.
Part of what makes this book so special to me is Father Tim’s personal faith in God.  He lives out his faith daily, looking for guidance and wisdom as he interacts with the various residents, many of whom share his faith.  It’s a beautiful portrait to me of what a life of continual prayer looks like.  I especially love when the characters pray The Prayer That Never Fails (Thy Will Be Done, from Matthew 6).  

The only problem I have with “At Home in Mitford” is that it is like a potato chip--you can’t stop with just one.  Fortunately, there are nine books in the series.  You can also pick up a Mitford cookbook or the notebook Father Tim uses to record his favorite quotations.  Karon has even written a couple of books set after Father Tim retires as Rector of Lord’s Chapel, satisfying the millions of fans who, like me, will always carry a little bit of Mitford in their hearts

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