A few words come to mind when I think of Senior-itis: laziness, coasting, drifting along. I'm way too familiar with what happens when it seems we're close to the end of a specific season. The tendency is to relax and disengage, to simply ride the wave and go through the paces until the last bell rings.
It works well enough when we're in highschool. The trouble starts, however, when we attempt to take that behavior into grown-up living. Can you imagine a pregnant woman giving up right before labor or an employee taking it easy right before that promotion? The temptation to take an "it doesn't matter" attitude might be strong, but giving into that temptation could have disastrous results.
It's not easy, but transitioning well is a mark of maturity. I'm convinced that it takes real character to keep going when checking out might be okay. It takes wisdom and discipline to keep working hard when all you can think about is how soon the work will be over. The way you leave one place (or season) has a profound effect on how you'll enter the next. Consider that before you choose to give in to spiritual senior-itis.
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