Unlock Identity

Monday, April 16, 2012 Posted by Unknown

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MP900178861[1]I remember the first time someone told me that I was “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Until then, I’d seen myself as insignificant and inadequate. Nothing I ever did was good enough and nothing I could ever do would change that.

Discovering that God had deliberately “formed me” and that I was “skillfully wrought” (I love the King James Version!), sparked a complete turn around in how I saw myself. How could I be both “never good enough” and the apple of His eye at the same time? One of us had to be wrong in our assessment and I had a hunch it wasn’t Him.

Talk about a light-bulb moment. 

It’s totally cliché, but after that, I was literally never the same. Confronted with the truth about how He made me led me on a treasure hunt to discover the why and the who as well. I was like Clark Kent when he discovered his powers, like Jason Bourne when he discovered his identity. I began to unlock the treasure of who God had made me and that unlocked doors that stood in the way of His plan for my life.

I can hardly describe the freedom I experienced as I began to see myself through His eyes. It’s a freedom I never want to lose and a freedom I pray you’re experiencing. If you’re not, grab your Bible and allow His thoughts of you to penetrate that darkness. Looking for a place to start? I’d suggest Psalm 139.

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