Independent Study
Monday, March 12, 2012 Posted by Unknown
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I remember the first Bible I ever bought for myself. It had all the bells and whistles--commentaries, references, notes, maps, studies, transliterations, you name it. It had it all, and then some.
I was in Bible study paradise. If I had a question, the answer was there, if I needed a definition, it was right there. If I didn’t understand a word, it was likely there and I was having the time of my life UNTIL I heard a whisper.
I’m sure I tried to ignore it. I had a good thing going and there was no reason what I was hearing could be right. But, alas, I gave Him my attention. “You’ve grown to dependent on this Bible,” He said. “Buy another one that’s bell and whistle free.”
Okay, I took a little creative license with that last quote, but you get the gist. The Lord was snatching my little security blanket right out of my hands. Not because there was something wrong with that Bible, but because He was leading me to a place of growth that could not happen with that Bible in the way. Of course, I didn’t realize that at the time. I was too wound up about having to break-in a new Bible and re-hi-light all those verses! It didn’t make much sense to me at all, but not much about my walk with the Lord made sense anyway, so I obeyed.
That next Bible barely had a concordance, but I stayed committed. I read and He spoke. I asked and He explained. I searched and He directed, and before I knew it, I’d plastered the margins with my own notes and commentary. Sure, I still took out my Strong’s Concordance when I needed it and did the research when necessary, but what once was about discovering what God had said to others became about what He was saying to me.
I grew like crazy.
And, it’s amazing to me how we grow when we’re outside of our comfort zones and in total dependence on Him. Perhaps you’re hearing a little whisper about something (or someone) connected with your study time. Go ahead and respond to that whisper. I’d love to hear how that works out for you.
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