Change That Takes Your Breath Away

Saturday, October 15, 2011 Posted by Katie

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Crisp air. Sweaters. Mums. Pumpkins. Apple Cider. Hearty Butternut Squash Soup. If I had a voice like Julie Andrews I would totally work these into my own version of “My Favorite Things” and belt it out in the shower. Perhaps my family is grateful that I do NOT sing like Julie Andrews! But I digress…

I love the Fall. LOVE. IT. I love the change of weather, the change of wardrobe, the change of menu, and most of all the change of leaves. I may be a Texan now, but during this season, my heart belongs to Virginia. Right now, at this very moment, I guarantee there are folks in my old town barely avoiding traffic accidents for gawking at the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains. The hillsides are on FIRE this time of year. We’re talking take-your-breath-away color, people. This is the kind of change I love.

Then there’s the other kind of change. There is the change that threatens to affect one’s personal life with uncertain outcomes and challenge one’s world with tough, sacrificial choices. Yep, THAT change. The scary one. (Now we’re talking Halloween!) I saw a sign today that perfectly sums up how I feel about that kind of change:

“Change is good.
You go first.”

My family has made a lot of big changes in the last year. My guess is, as I read the national and international news, your family has too. The economy is a lot like the old gray mare. She ain’t what she used to be. The world today presents many uncertainties to consider and tough choices to make. So how do we, who are asked to trust the Lord in all things, endure with grace the changes that we have been faced with? Easy.

Pay attention to those who went first.

Walk with me this week and meet some folks who have taken the hard steps through unnerving uncertainty and persevered until they reached take-your-breath-away color.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”
– 1 Peter 5:10

katie Katie Pickard is your server this week! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.