The Mountain Views of Jeremiah 33
Wednesday, May 04, 2011 Posted by Katie
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“Start in the parking lot across from the campground. Head up through a series of lush green switchbacks. Embrace your inner five-year old as you ramble over a mountain stream on a tree-trunk bridge. Then there’s the waterfall, the section of rock-climbing, and on top of it all, the meadow of tundra flowers. The sound and sight of the network of streams running in every direction through this meadow is matched in beauty only by the snowcapped peaks encircling it. All this and that’s BEFORE you get to the Ice Lakes…the destination of the hike in the first place. The. Most. Amazing. Hike. Ever. No other trail has ever touched my heart in the same way. You’d never know from the looks of the trail head what this hike had in store. I can’t wait to tell everyone about it!”
“Watch out for the pretentious hikers who only come out to the trail to show off their expensive gear. They usually only come on Sundays, though. Who wants to share the trail with noncommittal hikers like that? What a waste of time. Besides, I don’t think there’s an Ice Lake up there anyway. It’s just a nice idea someone made up a long time ago to get folks to come out and walk this trail. The fact that they cling to empty traditions to attain purpose in life just shows how weak these hikers are. Come to think of it, if I wanted to enjoy a view of Ice Lake, I could just google it from home. I don’t need to come out and hike with perfect strangers. Or I can follow the trail by myself. Besides, I’m so busy all week long, why should I spend my free time trying to climb towards a lake I don’t even have proof is there? And don’t all hikes end up in the same place anyway? I really think we should all find our own path.”
- Review from a hiker who never made it out of the parking lot.Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. – Jeremiah 33:3