A Simple Vow

Thursday, June 05, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Choreographed first dances. Save the Date cards. Special flowers honoring the mothers. Wedding planning today is more complicated that it was when I did it 25 years ago.

There’s an awful lot of “To Do” to say “I Do.” Is it all necessary?

My early religious background included many meaningful things, but also things I had to wade through or stumble over. Was all of it necessary?

Like Martha in Luke 10 we tend to be worried over many things when only a few are needed. Really, all you have to have for a wedding are a license, vows, and someone to officiate. To follow Jesus you need a repentant heart, a decision to make Him your Savior and Lord, and to be baptized.  

Honestly, it’s the simplicity of the plan of salvation that almost tripped me up. “Surely there must be more to it. It can’t be that easy.”

But it is. That’s the genius of Gospel. So simple that anyone, and everyone, can take those few steps, make those few arrangements, and become the Beloved Bride of the Prince of Peace. 

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