The RUSH of Joy

Thursday, May 15, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive,
Plays that song that’s so elusive and the magic music makes your morning mood.
--RUSH, Spirit of Radio

I’ve been singing this most of the day. Well, the melody is the same but I’ve adapted the lyrics to “Oh that Joy that's so elusive.”  (I tried to adapt the rest too but so far it ain’t workin’)

I’ve been a follower of Jesus for 28 years and I am still figuring out the whole Joy thing. 

Now, Happiness I have a bit of a grip on: 
I got to sleep until 7am! HAPPINESS! 
I don’t have to cook a meal! HAPPINESS! 
Hubby is in a great mood! HAPPINESS! 
Sons are doing well in school! HAPPINESS!

I feel happy when I drink coffee out of cute or meaningful mugs. I feel Joy when…

Ah. Maybe I don’t feel Joy. Maybe I choose it.

Maybe I choose Joy when I look away from my circumstances and look up to my Father.

Maybe I choose Joy when my world is crumbling around me but rather than allow the crumbs to dictate my morning mood, I choose to believe His promises for His provision, His love, His timing.

Ooooo! Maybe the song could go something like this:
“Begin the day with God’s friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive,
Gives that Joy that’s so elusive and…ummm…blah blah blah blah makes your morning mood.”

Hmmm. Maybe I should leave the Joy to God and the lyrics to RUSH.

Yeah. Good plan.

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