After Fear a Miracle Harvest

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Posted by Lisa

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Recently I accepted a challenge to start volunteer teaching English again to non native speakers at a public school about 30 minutes from my home. In the past, my church offered volunteers, supplies and support for the ESOL program. However, they had pulled out of an official capacity the year prior. Unfortunately, I was unaware until after I had committed to the school. [Gulp] Slightly panicked, I met with one of my pastors and was ready to back out of partnering with the school.

Right before quitting, God stepped in and reminded me to trust. I could feel the tugging in my heart for this school and these adult students but I could also taste fear. I stared at what I felt was a brick wall and cried out in a desperate prayer, "You know this program is supposed to launch in two weeks and I can't do this alone!"

Honestly, I wish I could give you all the details of how God showed up in the two short weeks before the scheduled open house. What is most important for you to know is that every time I sensed fear, I had to remember the planting of trust over the years. I had learned to lean in and not retreat. His words continued to say “
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Miracles do happen on the other side of obedience. If I had backed out I would have missed the miracle.
 What I can tell you today is instead of just one church being present at this public school, there are three! Because of the willingness of one very scared but trusting individual, God has blown open the doors of opportunity. Jesus now walks into that school, sits with those who many have rejected because they don't know English, loves on them, prays for them and is bringing dignity back into their homes.

Now that’s a harvest to celebrate!

Lisa Arnold is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.