Season of Preparation
Monday, May 20, 2013 Posted by Unknown
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I love Candy Apples. I look forward to Fall each year, because that is the absolute best time to enjoy my favorite treat. In fact, I know that Fall has officially arrived when that yummy goodness calls to me from Grocery store shelves, much like I know a spiritual Fall has arrived when God calls me into a season of preparation.
These are the times He nudges me to pray harder, to open my spiritual eyes wider and to dig my faith heels in deeper. I can tell His goal is to prepare me for the winter trials that loom ahead and I focus on storing up knowledge, asking Him for wisdom and pressing in, so that impending trouble doesn't take me by surprise.
Perhaps you're feeling that nudge--sensing that He's calling you into a season of preparation. If so, don't delay in answering, because winter will surely come I He wants you to be prepared.