Why We Do Not Have

Thursday, April 11, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Shirley:  Father God, Sandra is having a rough time right now.
God:  Yes, she is.  What would you like me to do for her?
Shirley:  Please be with her, Father.
God:  I am already with her, just as I am always with you.
Shirley:  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

There is a lot about prayer I don’t know.  One thing I do know is that “Be Withs” are not effective.  God is already with that person.  If we want Him to do something we must ASK Him to DO SOMETHING, something specific.

Do you want healing?  Ask for healing.  Do you want blessing?  Ask for it.  Comfort?  Wisdom?  Guidance?  Ask.  Ask.  Ask.  And then ask some more (Luke 18:1-8), and add some gratitude in there (Phil 4:6).

You do not have because you do not ask God (James 4:2).  But here is the caveat: When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives…  (James 4:3)

We must pray according to His will.  How can we do that? The way Jesus did it:  My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will but as You will (Matt 26:39).

Even so, there will be times He will tell us no.  The healing won’t come in this life.  The disaster will not be avoided.  How do we pray then?

Those are some of the most difficult, heart-felt, agonizing prayers.  Those are the times we pray what we know, in gratitude--not what we see, and not what we feel.  “God, I KNOW You love us.  I KNOW You hear us.  I KNOW You work all things for our good.  Thank You for all these and more.  I don’t want this, I don’t understand this, but Your will be done.” 

Ask specifically.  Submit to His will.  Pray the truth of His Word with gratitude.  Then wait patiently for Him to act (which may be harder than the praying part).  You’ll experience things that a simple “Be With” could never accomplish.

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