Unbreakable Love
Tuesday, March 05, 2013 Posted by Katie
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Last December, a friend of mine from college lost her baby girl on that terrible, awful, senseless morning at Sandy Hook Elementary school. I didn’t sleep for weeks as I ached for my friend and tried to understand such a loss.
Two days ago, another gal I knew from college died suddenly of a heart attack. She was 35 weeks pregnant with her third daughter. The baby was delivered by emergency c-section, and is in the NICU in desperate need of every prayer you can muster. I am still in shock.
I am sick to death of tragedy.
I sometimes wonder how much the human heart can take. When things like this happen, your heart really can’t do anything but just break. More than that, when your heart breaks, your concentration breaks too…and your smile, and sometimes your resolve, your ability to keep your head up, or even your ability to function properly in any way. No matter which way you cut it, where there is tragedy, there is brokenness.
Except for one thing. God.
God doesn’t break. And God’s love does not shatter. I am a fervent DISbeliever in the “all things happen for a reason” theology. I just don’t buy that. People often say things like that in an attempt to comfort the grieved. But, I believe we can dig deeper for something more profound than just trying to make sense of tragedy (because tragedy won't ever make sense). What I find extraordinary is how impervious God’s love is to the sorrows of this world. God’s love simply continues on, just as strong, just as available, just as freely given as it ever was. God’s love is unbreakable.
This week, as we Daily Fast Fuelers are musing about the goodness of the Lord, that is where my heart is meditating…on the unbreakable goodness and love of God. When you have to cling to something, it’s best to cling to that which will never shatter…no matter how much the world rumbles.
As Corrie Ten Boom once said, “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.”
Or put another way, “Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)