Pick a Story, Any Story
Thursday, March 07, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg
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having trouble narrowing it all down to one story.
could tell you of a sweet little boy who wanted a sand dollar to take home from
his seaside vacation. After walking the
beach a long time without finding any, he asked God to send just one, if it was
okay. Around the very next bend the
beach was littered with them. God used hundreds
of sand dollars to love on one little boy.
His extravagant generosity and goodness still speak to me decades
I could tell of paying property taxes our first year of farming. Naturally, the taxes are due right before harvest
when farmers have no money. Taxes were
due Friday. It was Thursday. I told God I was writing the check for the
taxes but as He was the one wanting us to farm then it was up to Him to supply
the tax money. I wrote the check, then went
to get the mail. Lo and behold, there in
the mailbox was a check from some program Clinton had signed up for who knows
when, that covered the entire bill. Our good God taught me the truth of "always on time, rarely early."
I could tell of God bringing friends into my life so we could walk through our similarly-difficult seasons together. I could
speak of my miracle sons and my incredible husband, of loving family and invaluable
friends. I could regale you with tales of my recently-discovered passions of drumming and kayaking. I could relate countless times
where I had exactly what I needed exactly when I needed it.
could…but I’m sure you have your own stories.
We would love for you to share them.