Made to Worship
Thursday, February 28, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg
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Piper makes it sound like “worship” is more than telling God how great He is
and how much we love Him. It seems to far
exceed the Sunday Morning Only box. Worship,
it seems, is much, much more.
were MADE to worship. When the world is
chaotic and overwhelming, worship is our reboot. It’s our default mode. It’s core truth. Worship is key to unlocking our identity.
lines us up with the truth of who God is, and therefore who we are. When we have truth, we have answers.
is an answer to, “What shall I do today?”
It’s an answer to “What will bring me closer to God?” It’s an answer to idolatry. It’s an answer to depression,
anxiety, doubt, fear, awe, grief, reverence, pride, humility, LIFE.
yet, worship is deeper than a means to answers.
Worship goes to motivation, the reason for seeking the answers. At its core, worship is motivated by love,
the love for God that is a direct result of His love for us (1 John 4:19).
more we grow in love with Him the more we desire to worship Him. The more we worship Him the more we grow in
love with Him.
we “do” it--through music or words or communing with nature or dance or
contemplation--worship leaves us with more than we started. What I hope I take from worship is more of
Him and less of me, so that the world will know His love.