Katie's "Me" Time
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Posted by Katie
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I’m not sure that I know what that is, but I think I made
strides towards it this weekend.
I was a guest preacher this past Sunday at my church.
Because my full-time job has been rather demanding of late, I didn’t have as
much time to prepare for this sermon as in previous occasions. So Saturday
found me with laptop in hand, Bible, commentaries, notes, and scratch paper all
around me. I started out at the kitchen table. It was loud.
I’m not sure if I have shared with my Daily Fast Fuel
readers that I live in a multi-generational home. Current population breakdown:
6 adults, 2 kids, and 3 dogs. (Granted, one adult currently in residence is
just visiting - fellow DFF writer, Sara Rust, my sister!)
I have several writing “perches” in this house, but none of
them were my friend this weekend. After several relocations with laptop, Bible,
commentaries, notes, and scratch paper in tow, I made an important decision.
It was time to leave.
40 minutes later I had checked in to the beautiful (and
quiet) Spring Hill Marriott Suites. Yes, really.
No kids, no dogs, no fun family laughing it up in other
corners of the house where I couldn’t join them. No interruptions. 150
well-spent buckaroos.
No one even noticed I had left until I called to let them
know I wouldn’t be home for dinner.
Me time?
Sometimes it just needs to be claimed.