A "Self-Service" Survey
Monday, July 30, 2012 Posted by Unknown
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Jesus was the servant of all servants. When it comes to what I like to call "living low," He set the bar pretty high.
He washed His disciples feet, refused an earthly crown, hung out with undesirables and took the frail form of the humans He came to save. His pattern of humility and servant-leadership left us some big shoes to fill. How are you measuring up? Here are a few questions (a short survey, I suppose) that I'm pondering:
- Are you spending more time serving or being served?
- Which are you pursuing more, your own needs/interests or the needs/interests of others?
- Do you most often serve cheerfully or begrudgingly?
- Do you serve primarily for your own glory or gain?
- Are you content with serving secretly or do you prefer that others know about it?
- Are you faithful in serving others?
- Are you willing to "get your hands dirty" for others?
- Have you allowed yourself to grow weary in your serving?
- Have you allowed serving to take the place of spending time with Jesus?
- Is love the basis of your service?
Full disclosure: My answers to these questions expose a heart more concerned about self-service than serving others. Weighed on this scale, I'm definitely found wanting. I invite you to take the survey along with an introspective look at your servant life. Care to discuss? Let's chat a bit in the comments section.
Some Scripture to Ponder: Matthew 20:28, Philippians 2:4, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 6:1-4, Matthew 25:21, 1 Corinthians 4:2, John 13:5, Galatians 6:9-10, Luke 10:38-42, Galatians 5:13