Does Your Room Have a View?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Posted by Katie

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I have lost count of how many times I have read “A Room With a View” by E.M. Forster. I have never tired of reading it, and in fact, this week’s theme at the Daily Fast Fuel has reminded me that I am due for another round. It is my favorite book of all time. It should come as no surprise that my favorite book was introduced to me by one of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Laura Hunt. I was a boarding student at St. Catherine’s School when I heard Mrs. Hunt welcome us to class on our first day with a vision that went something like this:

The power and mystery of reading literature of old is that you can find your heart and soul connecting with the words written by someone hundreds of years ago…and then minds meld across the centuries!

She had me. And when she recommended the aforementioned Forester “favorite” to me, I tore into it loving every moment. “A Room With a View” was written in 1908 (so not exactly centuries old, but never you mind…). It is the story of young Lucy Honeychurch evolving from a dormant life of predictable expectations to one alive with passion and adventure. I love Lucy. 

My much-loved copy of “A Room With a View” has been dog-eared and written in and is full of underlined fabulous quotes such as, “Do you suppose there’s any difference between spring in nature and spring in man?” Or my personal favorite, Mr. Beebe’s reflection as to the passionate way in which Lucy plays the piano… “If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting –both for her and for us.”

Sometimes, when I read the Bible, I think of minds melding across the centuries. There are just some stories or ideas to be found there that make my heart stir within me as my soul screams “YES!” in agreement with what I just read. I love that.

And sometimes, when I read the Bible, I wonder what would happen if I took to fully live as I believed. What would happen if I threw off the dormancy of a life of predictable expectations and embraced the life of abundant possibilities and unexpected adventures which Jesus offers to us? What if?

It might be very exciting.

Here’s to embracing a life of freedom as exciting as a great work of literature! May it keep you coming back for more…over and over and over again…until you’ve lost count how many times you’ve embraced it.


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