Contentment in House #1
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 Posted by Katie
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I don’t care whether it’s a sea-side, mountain-side, or old-town view. I don’t care whether it’s a beach villa, a two-hundred year old farmhouse, or a high-rise condo. I love me some House Hunters International! My schedule doesn’t permit me to watch much television these days, but I catch it when I can. I was watching it with my mom the other day, marveling at some gorgeous home – in Spain, I think. Noting that the couple’s budget was $600,000, I turned to mom for commentary:
Why do you think “Thou shalt not covet” made the top ten right up there with “Thou shall not kill”? ‘Cause I think that’s a little over-kill. (No pun intended.)
She laughed. And I was just kidding, anyway. A little.
Humorous ponderings have a funny way of becoming sincere ponderings. So, yep, I thought about it some and here’s what I came up with. I think those commandments are meant to help us turn away from the things of death and focus on the things of life.
And how does that work with coveting? Perhaps, if we continue to believe that what we don’t yet have is what is best for us, we ignore what we already have – the Light of Life, Jesus.
And Jesus is always with us.
Perhaps if we don’t see Him, it is because we are too focused on the things that can take life away instead of focusing on the One who builds life up within us. Perhaps if we covet what others have, we dismiss what we have already been given.
So the moral of this funny pondering is, we don’t need to pine after Houses #2 or #3…
We need look no further than the house which has already been freely given to us. It has everything on our “wish list”…
“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” – Psalm 27:4