Think: More Than You Can Ask
Sunday, July 31, 2011 Posted by Unknown
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What is the big “ask” in your life right now? What is that one request you’re virtually begging to see fulfilled?
Mine? A house for my little family. If you were a fairy granting wishes or a game show host making dreams come true, that would be my final answer.
Sadly, I don’t know any fairies and I don’t anticipate any game show appearances. I do, however, have a huge God who loves to have me ask of Him, although He rarely answers the way I’d like Him to. He has a knack for seeing right past the asking to the real need behind the request, and just when we think it’s the right time for Him to answer, He throws in a little waiting to make us more like grown ups and to keep us on our toes. That’s rarely fun.
But, oh does He know what He’s doing.
Take a page from Abraham’s story. All he wanted was a child. One sweet little child, a son and an heir. The Lord, on the other hand, was looking beyond Abraham’s little family to the generations that would come after. His answer to Abe’s request for one child was the promise that his descendants would be as innumerable as the stars. Talk about “more than you can ask!” (I wonder if He has innumerable houses waiting for me).
I love the lesson—God is usually thinking more when we’re asking for just enough. I wonder how He’d respond if we shot for bigger asks that went beyond our own needs and shortsightedness and took His bigger picture into account. I’m learning to ask Him about that bigger picture so that I can adjust my requests accordingly. I leave you with a few verses to boost your faith and ask you to return again tomorrow.
Psalm 2:8, James 4:3, Ephesians 3:20, Matthew 7:7
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