The Green Letters

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Posted by Joline

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Told you I was going free-form today.

What I didn't share was that I had also planned to go old school!

I was first introduced to The Green Letters as a freshman at Ohio University. At the time, I was a young believer, and thankful to have connected with Campus Crusade for Christ, and more specifically, my discipler, Summar.

She introduced me to this book pretty early on in our relationship, and while I honestly can't recall tiny specs and details of the content, I did retain, and continue to embrace, the larger take-away from this book.

Our identity in Christ.

I am a total Ephesians 1 fan. As a new Christian back in high school I was never actually taught about who I now was in Christ: this new creation that I had become when I said, "I do" to Jesus.

The truths that God revealed and ground into me through Summar's guidance and this book would begin to shape my maturity as a Christian, and anchor my understanding of how God now saw me. I am thankful this was taught to me in my earliest years of walking in this faith.

I'd love for you to gobble it up. No, really, gorge yourself on it. You'll feel full.

Wonderfully satisfied.

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