The Power of Words

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Issue an Invitation

Something about the Road to Emmaus story (Luke 24) has always bothered me.  Jesus is (anonymously) teaching a couple of His disciples while they travel.  As they all approach Emmaus He continues walking. 

Why would He go on?  Didn’t He want to stay?   Why wouldn’t Jesus continue accompanying His people?

I believe it was simply because they hadn’t asked Him to stay.  Once they spoke up He joined them, but He wasn’t going to presume.  He wasn’t going to force Himself on them.   He would not circumvent their free will.  As The Ultimate Gentleman, He waits to be invited.

I know He is always with me on my road, but truthfully, how often have I neglected to invite Him into my circumstance and then blamed Him for not showing up?  I’ve left Him no choice but to continue on.  

He’s only waiting to be invited.  ASK and you will receive.  (Matthew 7:7 CEV)

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