Intentional Influence: The Flu
Monday, May 09, 2011 Posted by Unknown
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Okay class, let’s finish up our lesson on etymology (and if you’re still saying “etym-what?” it just means the derivation or history of a word). I promise that if you can endure a little more of this boring talk of definitions and derivations, the fun is coming! For now, just pretend you’re in high school again, but don’t worry, I won’t be testing you on any of it.
Yesterday, we learned that our word for the week comes from the Latin word influentem. It is also derived from the Medieval Latin word, influentia (a flowing in), and if that seems a little familiar, it might be because influenza (the flu) is derived from it as well. Call me a nerd, but that is awfully fascinating to me. It has me thinking about the similarities between spreading influence and spreading the flu, and reflecting on who I’ve allowed to sneeze on me and what their influence has infected me with.
I’ve been sneezed on by a mom who kept me in church as a child; sneezed on by pastors and teachers who were willing to disciple me; sneezed on by mentors, counselors and great friends with godly wisdom; and unfortunately, sneezed on by way too many bad influences who I now wish had been wearing those surgical masks.
What about you? I hope these first two days have lead you into serious thought about how you’re influencing and being influenced. If were intentional about both we’ll see a change in our quality of life and ultimately, our impact on the world. I hope what we began to see in HD yesterday is now popping out in an in-your-face-3D today. There’s more to come on how we can really begin to live this out. Until tomorrow, achoo…
Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God. 3 John 1:11 NLT
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