When God Saves a Life

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Posted by Lisa

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I was an exhausted, expectant mom, seven months along, managing a multi-million dollar property.

I had just found a new OBGYN because the one I was seeing since the beginning of my pregnancy let me go. She did not agree with my desire to have an unmedicated birth. (Still shake my head at that one) Adding to the confusion, my new doctor could not understand why I had an uncontrollable itch all over my abdomen and feet. But I didn’t have time for that. My position was much “too important” to let sleep deprivation and discomfort take precedence. After all, I was in the process of hiring a new assistant.

On a Friday night I made the call to my regional office telling them the legal notices would need to wait until the next morning.  I would return to the still quiet of a Saturday to finish.

But God had a different plan.

My morning stretch produced a gush of water that ushered in a panic. There would be no going into the office to finish anything deemed important.

I was thankful for my new doctor who was ready to battle on my side.  She had strict instructions for the hospital staff which played an instrumental role in buying time for our little girl.

After receiving medication to stop labor, being pumped with IV fluids and antibiotics, unceasing prayer, strict bed rest, conference calls with my regional office, two rounds of steroid treatments for our preemie’s lungs…labor began again on a Monday night.

Early on Tuesday morning, March 11 2003, my baby girl only 17” long was welcomed into this world by a team of NICU doctors and nurses.   It was discovered much later that I had been suffering with a rare condition called Cholestasis which was threatening to take the life of my baby. I am happy to report we just celebrated her 11th birthday!
I see my Spring baby as a reminder -- sometimes you have to let go in order to spring forward. We may be traveling in one direction but God sees what’s ahead. He may give us some difficult turns but it may be because He is trying to save a life. 
Is it yours?
No matter what you are going through, let go, spring forward and in all things give thanks.

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