Joline's Journey Into the Woods
Sunday, January 20, 2013 Posted by Joline
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Into the woods, it's time and so, I must begin my journey."
Such has been my life: a journey with the King.
I've been blessed beyond measure to have met so many interesting people from all different walks of life on this journey. All with their own story. All with their own pain.
See, what I've learned on the journey is that everyone on the journey carries "stuff". They may try to hide it, lie about it, minimize it, or deny it, but everyone harbors something they don't want others to know about. A secret. Something they are ashamed of. In need of. Longing for. Grieving.
This is why I "get" Into the Woods - a musical where characters from several fairy tales get entangled in each other's lives because they are all lacking and searching for the "thing" that can make them whole. And although they are all on their own personal journey, it is not until they ban together in community that "happily ever after" occurs.
We are stronger together. But to experience this, we must admit how very weak we are alone.
"Things will come out right now
We can make it so
Someone is on your side
No one is alone"