2013: Give More
Sunday, January 13, 2013 Posted by Joline
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I have been blessed.
I am not rich.
My husband and I make a modest salary between the two of us.
We've been crawling out of credit card debt since 2009.
Next month, I am happy to say, WE ARE DONE.
The credit card debt we've carried since moving from IL to PA, after losing a ton from the sale of our house, will be NO MORE.
What does this mean?
Well, while we've been tithing my husbands salary, I have not exactly been tithing mine consistently.
This year, 2013, God has spoken very clearly. I will:
- TITHE my weekly salary every Sunday.
- SAVE $12,000 by the end of the year.
- GIVE over what I've tithed. Without overly thinking about it. Random acts of giving. Financially.
Those are big goals. But guess what I've done to help me reach them?
- I announced them on this blog.
- I announced them to the team of people with whom I work.
- I asked two women with whom I meet every week, to hold me accountable. And, strangely enough, we meet to pray on Thursdays - my pay day. I'm thinking I'll just bring my checkbook and write my tithe check right in front of them.
I'm serious.
I've never felt like I could help like this.
That was weak thinking, for God is the provider, not my business.
I'm ready.