The Epicenter
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 Posted by Sara
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The river flowed into a great lake as if it had done so for ages. Odd, of course, since it only began flowing two (blog) posts ago.
Rest and I made our way toward the bank of the river, finding dry ground to view the scene. Blue skies and gentle breezes soaked my soul with thankfulness for life and breath and good company.
Rest sighed. I grinned.
“This is some land you have here.” I whispered.
“The deeper you go, the better it gets.” He raised his hand and motioned to a large sailboat in the middle of the lake. “The epicenter.”
What was he talking about? I just stared at the boat, watching it careen over the waves in the lake. Though its size was large, its movement in the water was nimble. The large white sails danced with the wind.
“God spoke to Moses, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ (Exodus 33:14). Rest, you see, flows from His presence.”
“He is the epicenter.” I acknowledged.
“Rest for your body, rest for you soul, all of it flows from Him. When you operate from His presence, you are like the boat, posturing yourself to be moved by the unseen power of the Spirit. You must learn how to partner with Him, you must learn how to be with Him through the ebb and flow of life, because He is your source of rest.”
Rest walked towards the lake, “This is where we enter.”
Are we swimming to the boat? I watched Rest continue his pace towards the water. I was filled with so many thoughts and questions I didn’t realize five steps into the water, Rest was actually standing on top of it. My eyes widened.
He turned and held his hand out towards me, “ You can not enter without faith.”

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