Think: More Than You Can See
Tuesday, August 02, 2011 Posted by Unknown
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How about a quick, mid-week check-up? I hope you’re making progress in our quest toward thinking more.
Are you convinced that God is doing more than you ask?
Are you convinced that you are capable of doing and being more than you are (or should be)?
Today, I’d like to get you thinking about what’s going on beyond what you can see. God is always working behind the scenes, regardless of what we observe with our natural senses. There is always supernatural stuff going on on our behalf and keeping that thought in mind will get us through more of life’s challenges.
We once had a pastor who seemed to have a PHD in ignoring what was seen. He’d always remind us to not be moved by what we saw or heard, and his ability to model that in matters of faith was uncanny. I felt like I was in Jedi training with Yoda—“Much to learn, you still have, young Jedi.” Though I’d known the Lord for some time, the idea of focusing on the unseen was quite foreign to me and remains a challenge.
It’s hard to convince a control freak, like me, that the work behind the scenes is of greatest importance. I always emphasize what I see. I have to do that in order to maintain control! You can imagine the struggles I’ve had as I learn to walk by faith and not by sight. Seeing is a huge deterrent to living by faith and placing my thoughts and focus on that fact has brought great freedom.
I’ll end with a story about Elisha from 2 Kings 6:
Elisha was keenly aware that God was always working beyond what he could see with physical eyes. After hearing of Elisha’s prophetic prowess against him, the king of Syria sent horses, chariots and a great army to track Elisha down. Elisha’s servant panicked and began asking about a plan. Elisha said to him,“Do not fear, those who are with us are more than those who are with them,” then simply prayed, “Lord, open his eyes that he may see.” The Lord did what the Lord does, and the servant saw horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. You’ll have to read the chapter to see how God saved him (oddly enough, that too, had to do with sight).
I’m sure that servant never forgot Elisha’s words, and I hope you’ll never forget them either. May they ring regularly in your ears, reminding you that God is always working and doing more than you can see.
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29b NKJV
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